Wart Removal in Dubai | All You Need to Know

These highly contagious, non-cancerous hard growths on the skin are nothing but irksome. Warts are small and rough and individuals are most likely to get them on their hands and feet. Mostly, they go on their own, however, they might even stay for months and even years. Due to this reason and the fact that they ruin one’s appearance and cause embarrassment, people opt for wart removal. If your warts become painful, reoccur, hinder daily activities, and multiply, you should visit a doctor immediately.

Hakeem Fact: Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus and can be spread through sexual or even mild skin contact. People who bite their nails are more prone to getting warts.

The warts are of different kinds; dome-shaped, plantar, flat, filiform, genital and periungual. Dome-shaped warts are clusters of clotted capillaries and have black dots on their surface. Plantar warts are found on the sole of the foot. These are tiny warts that grow in a cluster. If you develop warts around the nail area, they’re most likely to be periungual warts. Flat warts are commonly found on the face, hands and legs. Long and distinct-looking than other warts, filiform warts grow on the face. Genital warts appear in the pubic area, near or on the genitals.

Filiform warts forming on the cheek.

Even though the internet is full of wart removal remedies, it is advised to not try them and seek professional help instead. Avoid direct contact with warts, refrain from picking them and irritating them as the infection can spread.

You can book doctors who specialize in wart removal in Dubai here.

After examining you, your doctor is most likely to perform one of the following wart removing procedures:

Cryotherapy wart removal:

This is freezing therapy during which the wart is exposed to liquid nitrogen using a probe or cotton swab. Multiple treatments might be required for the wart to completely disappear. This therapy can cause discomfort and can easily be performed at the doctor’s clinic.

Minor surgery wart removal

Your doctor might opt for minor surgery to remove the wart if other procedures do not work. This is almost never an option for plantar warts. A cut is made and the wart is removed. The base of it is frozen to prevent re-occurrence.

Laser warts removal

In this procedure, the doctor uses an intense laser beam to destroy the wart. This is a painful procedure and can cause scarring.

The doctor can also prescribe medications with salicylic acid to be applied to the wart.

If you have any warts, limit sharing possessions and cover them up with bandages to reduce the risk of them spreading to others. And oh, don’t forget to get them removed if they’re stubborn and not going away on their own!

A wart being removed by a professional. 

Personal experience for warts removal:

"I had difficulty walking, and I could never wear fashionable shoes like I wanted to. The soles of my feet hurt terribly, as if I was walking bare foot on pointy rocks. The warts had become permanent guests. There were so many of them on both the feet that I felt ashamed in even getting them checked, thinking that they'll go away on their own. My wife forced me to go to a doctor when I couldn't hike at a family vacation. Turns out my plantar warts had turned into mosaic warts. With six back to back appointments through Meddy, and a trustworthy doctor, the warts on my feet reduced significantly. I was also informed about how to not let them get passed on to the wife and kids. Because of a week immune system, I get warts often but now I have learned to not live with the uninvited guests!" - Muhammad Sarfraz