Top 5 Nephrologists in Dubai

Your kidneys filter out the waste products from your body and purify your blood for use, making them one of the most important organs in your body. Nephrologists are doctors who specialize in kidney care. They diagnose and treat diseases related to the kidney and make sure that our kidneys are in their best health.

Hakeem fact: The kidneys filter about 120 to 152 quarts of blood every day!

Here are Dubai’s best nephrologists:

1.      Dr. Alind Kumar

An excellent doctor as termed by his patients, Dr. Alind has a five-star rating with thirty-five years of expertise in the field of nephrology. He can also speak five different languages.

2.      Dr. Mariusz Kielar

A consultant with a four-star rating and thirty-one years of providing relief to patients, Dr. Mariusz can be found at American Hospital Dubai. He is known for treating patients with anemia, blood disorders, and hypertension.

3.      Dr. Amitabh Kulkarni

With a Clinical Fellowship in Nephrology, Dr. Amitabh Kulkarni has a diverse educational background and commonly deals with chronic kidney diseases. He can be found at NMC Specialty Hospital.

4.      Dr. Fahed Kouli

For seventeen years, bilingual specialist Dr. Fahed has been ridding patients of all kidney disorders. He has a Fellowship in Nephrology from John Hopkins University.

5.      Dr. Entesar Al Hammadi

Dr. Entesar is a remarkable consultant who is also a member of two prestigious medical boards in America and Canada. She specializes in pediatric nephrology and has been curing children for the past twenty years. She can be found at Zulekha Hospital, Dubai.

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