Covid-19 in the UAE | Playing Your Part in the Outbreak

/ Lifestyle

With 4,745,700 coronavirus cases and 313,800 deaths reported around the globe, the world has realized that this life-threatening respiratory tract infection is here to stay. “It may be years since we find a vaccine for all we know,” BBC reported. “We have tried prolonging the impact – slowing it but now the only option we have is to return to normal.” Whilst we do return to our old routines, the ‘new normal’ will be different.

The UAE has 23,538 cases from which 220 individuals have died and 8,512 have recovered. The curfew and restrictions are still intact. As per the Gulf Times, 240 food establishments were shut down because they were not following the safety regulations put in place. Even if the limitations are lifted, people will have to be very precautious, observe remote working, online schooling, and reduced clinic, mall and other places’ timings.

However, despite all the changes taking place, the frontline workers who initially thought that coronavirus wouldn’t last more than a few months, are working day and night, curing patients and saving lives. According to Time, a study published in March found that 50% of the healthcare workers battling COVID-19 were depressed, 45% had symptoms of anxiety, 34% had insomnia, and 72% reported distress and this study was done in the initial stages. Now, matters have worsened.

Initially, as Time reported, the doctors and nurses found themselves to be more dedicated when fighting the virus, but now, they’re tired of the endless service, frustrated about the lack of gear, and saddened about the demise of COVID patients. But, they’re doing their part and it’s only fair that we do ours.

So, how can we help?

Firstly, we need to abide by the guidelines and stay home. These days, it is very tempting to host Ramadan parties or plan for Eid get-togethers, but don’t do that. You might be healthy and have a strong immunity to fight off the virus but the people you’ll unknowingly infect might not. Even if the condition of the person is mild, it will still put stress on the healthcare system due to hundreds of emergency cases pouring in every day.

Wash your hands and practice good hygiene. If you have an elderly person at home, be extra cautious. Eat well-balanced meals and exercise. Practice social distancing. There’s no longer a ban on VIOP applications in the UAE, so make use of online video calling, chatting, and checking in on your loved ones. The more cautious we are, the less alarming the situation will be for the doctors.

Donate free meals to frontline workers in the UAE through the 10 Million Meals campaign, Make My Meal collaboration with the Emirates Red Crescent and other donation setups. In the spirit of Ramadan, and all that they’re doing for us, this is the least that we can do. On May 1st, the Be Well campaign initiated by The National Program for Happiness and Wellbeing got a tremendous response and boxes for healthcare workers with essentials were distributed all over Dubai. The campaign will be active throughout Ramadan so if you’ve not donated till now, you can play your part by visiting the UAE Red Crescent Authority’s website or mobile application.

If you know a doctor, nurse, or medical worker you can tell them to contact The Noodle House on Facebook because they’re eligible for free locally grown vegetables. The package will be dropped to the given address.

Remember, we’re all in this together.

Recommended read: Telemedicine in the UAE | All You Need to Know
Recommended read: Coronavirus Vaccine in the UAE: Benefits, Side-Effects & Latest Updates


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Covid-19 in the UAE | Playing Your Part in the Outbreak
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