Dr. Mohammed Asha: The Best Internist in Town

Poised, cultured, and completely down to earth, Dr. Mohammed Asha is the internist to beat all internists. With his strong education, years of experience both personal and career-focused, this doctor should be your first stop when you’re feeling at your worst.

Dr. Asha had multiple motivations for studying medicine, one of the main ones is to be able to treat his parents. “My father wanted me to study medicine, and I said, if I graduate as the first student, then that’s going to be it, otherwise I’ll study anything else,” said the doctor, adding that his parents always motivated him and inspired him to continue studying and excelling in medicine.

Medical school in Jordan, at the Jordan University of Science and Technology. Internship at Estiqlal Hospital in Jordan. Residency and specialty in Islamic Hospital in Jordan. Worked in King Hussain’s Cancer Centre as a fellow of oncology medicine. Now full time Internist at Dr. Mohamad Amine Zbeib Polyclinic. These are just some of the highlighted successes of Dr. Asha. Along with his soon membership of the Royal College Physicians in UK. (MRCP).

Born and lived in Saudi Arabia, Dr. Asha saw more potential in staying in Qatar than going back.

His confidence defines his character; Dr. Asha often praises his mother for making him the doctor he is today. **“I had countless challenges where I had to be part of managing my parents’ health and they [parents] put their trust in me.”  **

His mother proved what can only be called miracles and great medicine, and Dr. Asha had never experienced such stress and horror before. Which in turn was a motivation for him to do everything he possibly can to save the patient. This of course helped him develop his rule when dealing with patients: “Never underestimate the patient’s complaint. You have to take every word of the patient seriously. When a patient comes in, just remember he came to you hoping you can give him the time to hear his/her story, then just give the needed time to think, analyze and answer their concerns and always remember, this is a human being we are dealing with so maintain their welfare.”

Getting straight A’s as a student and always excelling in academics. Dr. Asha was the number 1 student in Saudi Arabia in 2004. This granted him a meeting with King Salman Al Saoud. He got full marks and aced every single subject he took in his final year of high school and that of course determined that he was to become a doctor. “I can handle whatever situation I face.”

Choosing internal medicine was based on great academic achievements as well as being allowed to do many tasks that other doctors don’t normally do. “I believe internal medicine, is the core of all science when it comes to a human body, as it’s the one that gathers all information needed for a single diagnosis, eventually a patient will be cured from” said Dr. Asha.

Although he seems very much invested in his work, Dr. Asha loves to watch Sci-Fi movies and TV shows. He is a huge Milan fan in soccer and loves to read about new research in cases that he finds interesting. “Every case is a challenge to me, most of the time I know what the diagnosis is and know how to treat it, but keeping up to date and finding articles about new treatments, new medication, supportive treatments, diets, is also very interesting and important,” he said.

“A good internist is a person who can go deep in diagnoses and management but also able to define his limitations. I should not be treating someone up to the point of harming him”

** – Dr. Mohammed Asha.**

Since slowing the pace, Dr. Asha has found new appreciation to private clinics, fixed scheduled timings and being able to relax more. He also noticed more that work of nurses. “Without the nurses, we can’t do anything – they are our eyes to the patient,” he said. “I love to be under stress, love to have challenging cases, that drives me to study every time possible, and even discuss interesting cases with my colleagues.”

Convinced yet? If you still have your doubts, Dr. Asha also writes articles, one of his articles explains what being an internist is all about, check it out and book your appointment with Dr. Mohammed Asha today!