Tips to unblock your nose during a cold

Yes! In Qatar, flu season doesn’t just come in the winter, it comes back again in the summer and it becomes quite an inconvenience to those who just want to enjoy their vacation or travel plans.

The most obvious symptoms are blocked nose and coughing. When this happens you essentially know that you are getting sick. Fuzzy feeling in the back of your throat, trouble breathing from a congested nose are some of the troubles we face.

So, what should we do to relieve these symptoms? Here are some natural ways that will make you feel a little better at home.

High fever? Take a warm bath

It is known throughout the years that water is essential for health. Warm showers or baths allow the body to relax enough to stabilize the hormones and temperature. If you are suffering from a fever, then taking a warm bath can lower your temperature enough to provide you with some relief before going to see a doctor.

Sore throat? Drink some tea

Herbal teas have various benefits. However, all have similar properties, anti-inflammatory, easing congestion, and replenishing the body with fluids. One of the best teas to make when suffering from a cold is ginger tea. Ginger has a compound called gingerol, which helps relieve congestion. It lessens inflammation of mucous membranes that line the nasal passages and the sinus cavity, and this inflammation contributes greatly to the buildup of pressure and congestion. When the swelling goes down, mucous can flow out instead of getting all jammed up.

Blocked nose? Relieve it with steam

Our grandmothers have lived by this remedy for years and it is one that works all the time. Steam can be used to relieve headaches and nasal congestion. Mixed with essential oils or mint, peppermint, or tree oils, it can really help get rid of blocked nose symptoms. The anti-bacterial/anti-viral properties of tea tree oil can be carried via the steam, which will help fight off any bug that you’re battling. Breathing in these strong-smelling ingredients will open up your sinus in no time.

Cold symptoms? Have some vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the best remedies for colds. Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help provide your body with a boost to energize you. Although the popular saying is “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, a new saying should come out “an orange a day keeps the cold away.” Vitamin is essential to our body regardless of when we have a cold, so why not keep up the fresh fruits and vegetables that provide us with that? They will provide us with healthy energy throughout our day.

Uneasy breathing? Rub some vapor

Vapor rub is a tool used by parents for children to relieve nasal congestion, phlegm buildup and to ease bedtime breathing. When we become adults, most of us forget that this remedy really works wonders in relieving a lot of these symptoms, as well as headaches, dizziness, and stress. So, grab some vapor rub or make your own remedy to relieve the symptoms for you to have a good night sleep.

Coughing with phlegm? Hot water is the cure

Lots of people swear by this remedy. Drinking hot water can cleanse the body of toxins, as well as breakdown phlegm stuck in the throat. It can help you maintain healthy bowel movements if it is continued and can give you a good boost of energy if you have one each morning. The water has zero calories so you can drink as much as you want without it really negatively affecting you.

Unable to sleep? Relax in a salt bath

Salt baths are notorious for relieving stress, so that would make them the excellent cure to relaxing a tired and sick body. Salt baths also work as rejuvenating for the skin and can help you feel more beautiful, more relaxed, and all around relieved.

Recommended read: Achoo! Say No to the Flu!