Coronavirus in the UAE: Recovering from the Virus at Home

With 6,156,914 cases in the world and no vaccine yet, experts from WHO think that every one in four people will suffer from the respiratory tract infection. The virus is spreading rapidly, and around 34,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in the UAE, 262 of which have died. UAE is twenty-seventh on the list of the most infected countries and the toll is expected to rise immensely if the curfew and lockdown restrictions are lifted.

Contracting the virus can be a terribly frightening experience, especially if you have underlying health conditions. Not every Covid-19 patient requires to be hospitalized. Individuals all over the globe are coming forward with their experiences of recovering from the virus at home. However, one needs to be confident that the illness can be managed at home. As Web MD terms it, ‘if shortness of breath worsens after eight days and the patient seems to not show any signs of recovery, then one should seek medical help.’

A 40-year-old woman with a 13-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter who tested positive for the virus shares her family’s experience of self-isolation, battling the disease with each having different symptoms and recovering fully at home.

“My daughter complained of not being able to taste the apple. She said that everything that she ate tasted like nothing. We initially thought nothing of it, but then she added that she couldn’t smell anything either,” said the mother.

Anosmia, the loss of sense of smell, and ageusia, an accompanying diminished sense of taste, have emerged as peculiar telltale signs of coronavirus, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and possible markers of infection, a study by NY Times quotes.

“My husband had read that these were signs of the virus and we decided to get tested. We paid through the Seha app and got tested at a drive-thru center at Port Rashid. My daughter, son, and I tested positive whereas my husband tested negative. However, at this time, both my son and I showed no symptoms.”

Not showing symptoms does not mean that the test is wrong, but that either they’ll come later or that you’re a silent spreader. Silent spreaders are coronavirus patients who have mild symptoms that can easily be dismissed. They spread the virus unknowingly.

Check your symptoms for free using the Covid-19 Symptom Checker

“After two days, my boy got down with fever and I started to experience fatigue. We were all in the same room but separated from each other. If you’re not short on rooms, you can isolate properly but because I had minors affected, I had to look after them. My mother cooked meals for us and gave it to us in disposable utensils. She wore a mask at all times and we made sure to not come in any contact with her. My daughter was doing well and showed no other symptoms throughout the fourteen-day isolation period. The doctor had advised us to not have cold water and have meals every hour to build immunity. Since my son is a picky eater, he indulged in snacks as well. I made sure that all three of us stayed hydrated, even if it meant going to the loo multiple times. I did experience difficulty in breathing at night but after long and deep breaths, I felt better. My temperature fluctuated and I went through nights with excessive sweating, but after the sixth day, I started to feel better,” said the woman. “My son got diarrhea which I did not know could happen in corona. However, everyone’s body reacts differently and it is important to be equipped to know what you’re dealing with.”
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Recommended Read: Coronavirus in the UAE: Recovering from the Virus at Home

“The first and foremost thing is knowing what you need,” she continued. “A thermometer, a pulse oximeter, disinfectant solution in spray bottles (1 part bleach, 5cc Dettol and 10 parts water), gloves, masks (not cloth masks as they aren’t effective), separate utensils (disposable if possible) and hand sanitizers. You should monitor the impacted person’s temperature at all times. If they’re self-isolated, they should text you after assessing themselves. The caregiver should not roam around the house and should spray disinfectant all over him/her after coming in contact with the patient. The patient’s washroom should be separate and the clothes given to wash should be rinsed and disinfected before. If possible, the clothes should be washed by the person him/herself. Use the hand sanitizer after performing all actions. If the person cannot wash the clothes and utensils him/herself then the caregiver should use gloves and wear a mask when attending to the patient’s used stuff. The medication works differently for everyone, depending on the age and pre-existing health conditions. Consult a doctor after sharing the patient’s medical history. I had the medications delivered to my doorstep. Most pharmacies across the UAE are providing this service. Remember, what antibiotic worked for a person on Facebook, may not work at all for you, and so consulting a specialist is vital.”

Some symptoms that require hospitalization include:

  • Fever spikes
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Anorexia
  • Development of a rash
  • A lot of Myalgia
  • Constant inability to breathe
Self-isolation can be tough, but hang in there!

Talking about the food intake the woman said,

“The daily calorie intake should be achieved. Since the body is feeling weak, one might not have a desire to eat. My daughter and I lost our appetite, whereas my son felt hungrier than ever. There is no bad food here. Whatever you like, have it. Building your immunity is important. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be added to the diet. I made fruit chaat (similar to a fruit bowl with fruit juice and chaat masala) and vegetable soup. Hydration is very important. If the individual is not taking an adequate solid intake, make smoothies and milkshakes. Drink as much water as you can.”

Recommended read: How to Boost Your Immune System to Battle the Coronavirus

“When we got tested again, I tested positive the second time, whereas my children had recovered! 90% of my symptoms had gone but the virus was still in my system. I further isolated myself for ten days until I tested negative. It is important to not lose hope,” the woman stated. “These were the most challenging days of my life. It can be overwhelming, exhausting, and painful for people since no one knows what the outcome will be. Keep at it, believe in yourself, seek help when necessary and you’ll be good to go.”